Hi there stranger, and welcome to my site. My name is Vlad. I have created this website to share my love of Japan with people like yourself, and to help you explore Nippon in a different way.
I have been visiting Japan for many, many years, and I visit almost every year thanks to strong family ties and a group of close friends that I can’t wait to meet again. As such I have been lucky to explore many wonderful places this amazing country has to offer, to try the usual and unusual food, to meet many interesting people of all walks of life. My blog or website (whichever way you want to call it) aims to show Japan in an everyday light through the eyes of a foreigner that travels like a local, with a focus on family friendly activities. All the places and activities mentioned here have been visited by myself – many a number of times, so everything written is from my personal experience.
South European by birth, Australian by choice, I have my heart and soul firmly placed in the land of the rising sun.
You can always reach out to me with any questions or comments you may have. I shall do my best to help out wherever possible.
I am also happy to hear any feedback or criticism, or expert help from those who know a thing or two about WordPress and photography (I have thousands of images of Japan sitting forgotten on my hard drive and mobile phones).